The New Porridge 新粥 英文原版餐饮食谱 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

The New Porridge 新粥 英文原版餐饮食谱精美图片
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The New Porridge 新粥 英文原版餐饮食谱书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9781849759304
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2018-04
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:83.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 豆瓣目录:点击查看
  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看




This book embraces the modern evolution of porridge, with 55 recipes including different grains, sweet and savoury, hot and cold variations, there is a porridge for everyone and every season. The New Porridge is all about creating a nutrient-dense meal in one bowl – the comforting kind you look forward to eating when you get out of bed in the morning. Nutrition and wellness expert Leah Vanderveldt brings you 55 inventive porridge recipes including some with eggs and dairy but plenty of vegan and vegetarian options too. The book begins with an introductory section with tips and tricks for making perfect porridge and an ingredient directory for superfood add-ons and protein boosts. This is followed by essential basic recipes for nut and plant-based milks and nut butters which are used throughout the book. A chapter on creative toppings gives you plenty of options for mixing and matching and adding various textures to your bowls. The main recipe begin with the Sweet & Warming chapter, featuring the more traditional versions of porridge in Western countries, with flavour combinations that take advantage of seasonal fruit and warming spices for natural sweetness, and nuts and seeds for texture. Recipes include Cinnamon Apple Pie, Coconut and Mango and Stewed Rhubarb Crumble Porridge. Next up is Savoury and Cozy - savoury porridge is a great meal for any time of the day. This chapter features both traditional interpretations of porridge (like Asian congee and Italian risotto) and versions that incorporate different vegetables and cuisines. Try the Shakshuka Porridge with Tomatoes Chilli and Eggs or the Red Lentil Risotto with Peas, Asparagus and Lemon. The final chapter, Cold & Make Ahead, is full of summertime versions of porridge. Bircher muesli, chia pudding and fruit blends make this refreshing chapter the key to enjoying porridge all year around.













This book embraces the modern evolution of porridge, with 55 recipes including different grains, sweet and savoury, hot and cold variations, there is a porridge for everyone and every season. The New Porridge is all about creating a nutrient-dense meal in one bowl – the comforting kind you look forward to eating when you get out of bed in the morning. Nutrition and wellness expert Leah Vanderveldt brings you 55 inventive porridge recipes including some with eggs and dairy but plenty of vegan and vegetarian options too. The book begins with an introductory section with tips and tricks for making perfect porridge and an ingredient directory for superfood add-ons and protein boosts. This is followed by essential basic recipes for nut and plant-based milks and nut butters which are used throughout the book. A chapter on creative toppings gives you plenty of options for mixing and matching and adding various textures to your bowls. The main recipe begin with the Sweet & Warming chapter, featuring the more traditional versions of porridge in Western countries, with flavour combinations that take advantage of seasonal fruit and warming spices for natural sweetness, and nuts and seeds for texture. Recipes include Cinnamon Apple Pie, Coconut and Mango and Stewed Rhubarb Crumble Porridge. Next up is Savoury and Cozy - savoury porridge is a great meal for any time of the day. This chapter features both traditional interpretations of porridge (like Asian congee and Italian risotto) and versions that incorporate different vegetables and cuisines. Try the Shakshuka Porridge with Tomatoes Chilli and Eggs or the Red Lentil Risotto with Peas, Asparagus and Lemon. The final chapter, Cold & Make Ahead, is full of summertime versions of porridge. Bircher muesli, chia pudding and fruit blends make this refreshing chapter the key to enjoying porridge all year around.



  • 故事情节:7分

  • 人物塑造:7分

  • 主题深度:8分

  • 文字风格:9分

  • 语言运用:3分

  • 文笔流畅:8分

  • 思想传递:5分

  • 知识深度:4分

  • 知识广度:5分

  • 实用性:4分

  • 章节划分:4分

  • 结构布局:4分

  • 新颖与独特:5分

  • 情感共鸣:4分

  • 引人入胜:8分

  • 现实相关:9分

  • 沉浸感:8分

  • 事实准确性:7分

  • 文化贡献:5分


  • 书籍多样性:7分

  • 书籍信息完全性:7分

  • 网站更新速度:6分

  • 使用便利性:3分

  • 书籍清晰度:6分

  • 书籍格式兼容性:3分

  • 是否包含广告:9分

  • 加载速度:4分

  • 安全性:5分

  • 稳定性:8分

  • 搜索功能:3分

  • 下载便捷性:5分


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  • 小说多(461+)
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