God in a Cup: The Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Coffee杯中乾坤:追求理想咖啡 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线
God in a Cup: The Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Coffee杯中乾坤:追求理想咖啡电子书下载地址
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Can a cup of coffee reveal the face of God? Can it become the holy grail of modern-day knights errant who brave hardship and peril in a relentless quest for perfection? Can it change the world? These questions are not rhetorical. When highly prized coffee beans sell at auction for $50, $100, or $150 a pound wholesale (and potentially twice that at retail), anything can happen.
In God in a Cup, journalist and late-blooming adventurer Michaele Weissman treks into an exotic and paradoxical realm of specialty coffee where the successful traveler must be part passionate coffee connoisseur, part ambitious entrepreneur, part activist, and part Indiana Jones. Her guides on the journey are the nation's most heralded coffee business hotshots—Counter Culture's Peter Giuliano, Intelligentsia's Geoff Watts, and Stump-town's Duane Sorenson.
With their obsessive standards and fiercely competitive baristas, these roasters are creating a new culture of coffee connoisseurship in America—a culture in which $10 lattes are both a purist's pleasure and a way to improve the lives of third-world farmers. If you love a good cup of coffee—or a great adventure story—you'll love this unprecedented look up close at the people and passions behind today's best beans.
The Coffee Guys
God in a Cup
Granada, Nicaragua
Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia
Portland, Oregon
Los Angeles
Durham, North Carolina
The Coffee Chain Explained
Coffee Producers of the World
Making Great Coffee at Home
Peter Giuliano, coffee buyer and minority owner of Counter Culture Coffee, based in Durham, North Carolina, describes himself and the other Third Wave coffee guys driving the fast-growing specialty coffee industry as "a bunch of freakin' nutcase obsessives who have trouble hacking it in the real world"
I fell in love with coffee on a sunny October morning.....
The COE (Cup of Excellence) program was created in the hopes of raising the profile of Latin American coffees, and to pour desperately needed cash into the coffers of farmers who devote themselves to cultivation quality. Each year national competitions are held in eight Central and South American countries.
Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries in Latin America. Many aid organizations, including U.S. AID, fund projects designed to increase the value of the county’s coffee exports that improve the lives of coffee-farming families. Often programs that promote development in Central America and elsewhere cost a great deal of money and accomplish little in the way of quantifiable result. Cup of Excellence is an exception.
In 2006, McKinesy researchers released their report, in which they c...
Before they do any tasting, however, they do a lot of smelling. They begin marking up their score sheets immediately, noting the aroma of the beans when dry and the fragrance when wet. They sniff the dry coffee in each cup before the technicians pour near boiling water over the samples. They then sniff the wet grounds and wait as coffee particles float to surface, creating a crust of coffee grounds. When little gas bubbles appear in the crust, the senior judge at each table gives the signal and the panelists pick up their spoons and move the wet grounds to the side, which most judges do with a particular flourish. When the surface is broken, invisible gases are released that are particularly aromatic. Noses dipping down to take in this aroma often land in the drink: a slightly parboiled no...
U.S. AID, a U.S. government’s development organization, built cupping laboratories in Nicaragua and other coffee-producing countries. U.S. AID got this idea from one of the SCAA’s founders, Paul Katzeff. U.S. AID pays to build the labs, and the SCAA’s non-profit arm, the Coffee Quality Institute, provides the teachers through its Coffee Corps program.
Neither Peter nor Geoff had studied economics, but in their efforts to figure out how to do business at origin they spent at lot of time wrestling with stunningly complicated economic issues: how market function, the impact of globalization, the devaluing of commodities, economic cycles, and the legacy of colonialism. Eventually they determined their business dealings with coffee farmers and coffee industry middle men had to be based on three fundamental principles that were spelled out by Intelligentsia:
Buyers should have the chance to deal directly with the farmers whose coffee they are buying.
Farmers should be paid premium for growing superior coffee.
Contracts to buy coffee should be completely transparent, so that everyone along the chain, from the farmer to the mi...
作者介绍:Michaele Weissman
Michaele Weissman is a journalist and author who writes about food, families, business, and American culture. Her work appears frequently in publications such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal. Her coffee blog can be found at michaeleweissmanwrites.com/godinacupofcoffee. She lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland, with her husband.
Can a cup of coffee reveal the face of God? Can it become the holy grail of modern-day knights errant who brave hardship and peril in a relentless quest for perfection? Can it change the world? These questions are not rhetorical. When highly prized coffee beans sell at auction for $50, $100, or $150 a pound wholesale (and potentially twice that at retail), anything can happen. In God in a Cup, journalist and late-blooming adventurer Michaele Weissman treks into an exotic and paradoxical realm of specialty coffee where the successful traveler must be part passionate coffee connoisseur, part ambitious entrepreneur, part activist, and part Indiana Jones. Her guides on the journey are the nation's most heralded coffee business hotshots—Counter Culture's Peter Giuliano, Intelligentsia's Geoff Watts, and Stump-town's Duane Sorenson. With their obsessive standards and fiercely competitive baristas, these roasters are creating a new culture of coffee connoisseurship in America—a culture in which $10 lattes are both a purist's pleasure and a way to improve the lives of third-world farmers. If you love a good cup of coffee—or a great adventure story—you'll love this unprecedented look up close at the people and passions behind today's best beans.
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