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Finally, the answer to why, when it comes to romance, women are coy and men are just clueless--explained from the micro standpoint. Who would have guessed that all of our sexual and social behavior, and even our physical appearance, could be attributed to what our tiny unseen reproductive cells are doing? But that's Quirk's thesis in this highly entertaining book from an Average Guy that's a fun read full of a-ha! moments for scientists and civilians alike. Learn facts about cheating you'll never see on "Jerry Springer," like how unfaithful females actually change the biology of their mates. Discover why most sperm couldn't care less if they never saw an egg, what makes men yell "woo!" in a feminine falsetto--very similar to the mating cry of the Siamang gibbon--and, most important, the surprising answer on what to wear to attract that alpha mate.
1. The Sperm and Egg Problem
2. Female Promiscuity Controls the Size of Your Testicles
3. What Women Want
4. Bodies and Resumes: What Makes Us Horny
5. Why Men Are Afraid of Commitment, Women Cautious about Consummation
6. A Do-It-Yourself Home Experiment
7. How Men Get Sex
8. The Catfight Gene
9. The Jerk Gene
10. Bower Birds Teach Us How Art Evolved to Get the Groupie
11. Male Promiscuity Decides Your Height
12. Why Women Are Coy, Men Clueless
13. Why You're So Horny
14. Darwinism: Survival of the Sexiest
15. How Kindness Became Sexy
16. Why We Bitch
17. Why We Are Fat
18. Aqua-Ape: The Missing Link?
19. Why You Like Spielberg More than T. S. Eliot
20. Let's Face It
21. Love Stinks
22. Faked Orgasms Fool Men, but Real Orgasms Fool Women
23. You Don't Have an Orgasm. An Orgasm Has You.
24. Why Your Clitoris Is Hard to Find
25. March of the Penguin Prostitutes
26. Free Love Causes War
27. Bimbos and Cuckolds: What Makes Us Jealous
28. Why You're Tormented
29. Dying for Sex
30. When Your Wife Sleeps with Your Brother,and You're Okay with That
31. Broad Hips, Big Butts; Broad Shoulders, Big Diction
32. Why Your Penis Is Easy to Find
33. Two Genes for Two Types of Gay Guys
34. Gay Animal Parents
35. Boobies
36. Homo Homo sapiens
37. Why Males and Females Don't Actually Exist
38. Why Men Have Nipples
39. The Sperm and Egg Solution
40. Falling in Love
In Case You Think I'm Full of It: Bibliography
Useless Index
People Who Deserve Acknowledgement but not Payment
About the Author
JOE QUIRK is a sperm-spreading author who evolved from monkey business to monogamy when he married .He lives in Northern California with his wife and two cats he would like to kill.He is the author of the novel The Ultimate Rush.
Wild Kingdom meets Dr. Ruth in Quirk's bawdy guide to species reproduction and the differences between men and women. Each topical chapter compares romantic relationships to sociological, biological, anthropological or zoological findings, all related in Quirk's off-the-cuff prose. The easy reading can be attributed to the fact that Quirk isn't a scientist, but a fiction writer with an interest in science and a knack for finding humor in explaining why people act the way they do. Chapter titles like "Why You're So Horny" and "Why You Like Spielberg more than T.S. Eliot" set the tone for Quirk's revelations on the purpose of body hair ("It's to stink ... Now we know why the French are so sexy"); promiscuity in the animal kingdom ("the faithful sex looks drab, and the slutty sex looks fab"); and art ("I look at Michelangelo's ceiling, and I see a gay man's erotic fantasies"). Men, Quirk writes, are "sperm spreaders" bent on spraying their worthless sperm as frequently and widely as possible, while women are "womb carriers" competing against one another to land the best sperm to fertilize a precious egg. Granted, Quirk's book is far from breaking new scientific ground, but his humorous touch (not to mention the chapter on penguin prostitution) make for a readable and off-beat treatise.Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Book Description
Finally, the answer to why, when it comes to romance, women are coy and men are just clueless--explained from the micro standpoint. Who would have guessed that all of our sexual and social behavior, and even our physical appearance, could be attributed to what our tiny unseen reproductive cells are doing? But that's Quirk's thesis in this highly entertaining book from an Average Guy that's a fun read full of a-ha! moments for scientists and civilians alike. Learn facts about cheating you'll never see on "Jerry Springer," like how unfaithful females actually change the biology of their mates. Discover why most sperm couldn't care less if they never saw an egg, what makes men yell "woo!" in a feminine falsetto--very similar to the mating cry of the Siamang gibbon--and, most important, the surprising answer on what to wear to attract that alpha mate.
From Publishers Weekly
Wild Kingdom meets Dr. Ruth in Quirk's bawdy guide to species reproduction and the differences between men and women. Each topical chapter compares romantic relationships to sociological, biological, anthropological or zoological findings, all related in Quirk's off-the-cuff prose. The easy reading can be attributed to the fact that Quirk isn't a scientist, but a fiction writer with an interest in science and a knack for finding humor in explaining why people act the way they do. Chapter titles like "Why You're So Horny" and "Why You Like Spielberg more than T.S. Eliot" set the tone for Quirk's revelations on the purpose of body hair ("It's to stink ... Now we know why the French are so sexy"); promiscuity in the animal kingdom ("the faithful sex looks drab, and the slutty sex looks fab"); and art ("I look at Michelangelo's ceiling, and I see a gay man's erotic fantasies"). Men, Quirk writes, are "sperm spreaders" bent on spraying their worthless sperm as frequently and widely as possible, while women are "womb carriers" competing against one another to land the best sperm to fertilize a precious egg. Granted, Quirk's book is far from breaking new scientific ground, but his humorous touch (not to mention the chapter on penguin prostitution) make for a readable and off-beat treatise.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)21.3 width:(cm)14.7
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